Znana prezenterka zginęła w tragicznym wypadku na hulajnodze. Emily Hartridge miała 35 lat

Popularna prezenterka telewizyjna i internetowa nie żyje. Emily Hartridge zginęła w wypadku - jadąc na elektrycznej hulajnodze zderzyła się z ciężarówką. Miała 35 lat.

"Wszyscy ją kochaliśmy i nigdy o niej nie zapomnimy"

O śmierci Brytyjki poinformowano w serwisie Instagram. "Witajcie. To straszne, że musimy to zakomunikować, ale wiemy, że wielu z was spodziewało się zobaczyć dzisiaj (w sobotę) Emily i jest to jedyny sposób na skontaktowanie się z wami wszystkimi naraz. Emily uległa wypadkowi i zmarła" - napisano w oficjalnym komunikacie, który opublikowano w mediach społecznościowych na profilu Hartridge.

Jak informują zagraniczne media, do wypadku doszło na rondzie Queen’s Circus w Battersea w południowo-zachodnim Londynie. Prezenterka jechała na elektrycznej hulajnodze i zderzyła się z ciężarówką.

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NEXT ‘BRAIN BUDDIES’ MEET UP ?‍ - As you guys know I have called my women’s mental health meet up ‘Brain Buddies’ because I think we all need a brain buddy so I hope by coming to my monthly meet ups you will find a whole new gang of Brain buddies that will listen to you, support you and be there whenever you need them ? - My first meet up was absolutely incredible I have done a fair bit in my life but that day was one of my proudest moments to date ‍ - We shared stories, we cried, we laughed and above all, we were THERE for each other and that can be life changing in itself - So the next ‘Brain Buddies’ meet up: DATE: Saturday July 13th TIME: 2pm LOCATION: Green Park MEETING POINT: If you get off at green park tube there is area where they rent deck chairs, I will be waiting there ‍ - If the weather decides to sh*t on us I will change location - No need to purchase tickets, just turn up But of course if you have any questions please DM me - This is a WOMEN ONLY event, sorry guys But there is a wonderful organisation called @humenorg who hold a male only mental health up on Monday evenings - If you don’t want to talk at the event there is ABSOLUTELY no pressure to. You can just sit there and listen if you prefer - I cannot wait for it and I really hope to see some of you there. I just want a create a safe space for women to talk about mental health and to be comforted in the fact that whatever they are going through, they are NOT alone - Pic by @jacob_hazell ______________________________________________ #brainbuddies #mentalhealth #women #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthmeetup #london #batterseapark #recovery #motivation #inspiration #abs #strong #strength #fit #fitness #muscles #strength #happiness #smiling #laughter

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Emily Hartridge była gwiazdą internetu. Na YouTubie prowadziła popularny program "10 powodów dlaczego". Udzielała w nim porad dotyczących zdrowego stylu życia. Przeprowadzała także wywiady ze znanymi osobami. W jej programie gościli m.in. Hugh Jackman i Amanda Seyfried.

Niedługo przed tragicznym wypadkiem, prezenterka poinformowała swoich fanów, że zamroziła część komórek jajowych gdy, dowiedziała się, że może mieć problemy z zajściem w ciążę. Od niedawna żyła w szczęśliwym związku z trenerem personalnym Jacobem Hazellem. Jedna z jej ostatnich publikacji szczególnie wzrusza. W nagraniu opowiada żartobliwie o życiu z młodszym partnerem. Film zatytułowała: „10 powodów, by mieć młodszego chłopaka”.

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DEREALISATION ANXIETY SYMPTOM - This is something I have NEVER spoken about and to be honest it was because I was just too scared too. But I was talking to someone yesterday about this particular anxiety symptom and reassured her that it is a totally NORMAL symptom ? And that made me think that perhaps by talking about it on here, that I can try and reassure more people - Derealisation is something I experienced extremely severely and still do on some days but it is just not spoken about much in the mental health community. My only guess is that for many people it is the worst symptom there is and are just too afraid to talk about it. I mean I was one of those people but I just think it’s time to speak out because I am stronger now and I want you to know that you are NOT going mad And you will NOT be like this forever - For those of you who don’t know what Derealisation is, basically it feels like you are in a dream THE WHOLE TIME Nothing seems real and you feel outside of your body, totally disconnected from the world - What’s so ironic about it is that it’s actually your body trying to help you out. Because your brain is being overloaded with adrenalin and constant obsessive thoughts 24/7, much like a computer does, it shuts down and can’t work at full speed or process things properly - I had it 24/7 for quite a few years because my anxiety was so severe. So if you’re reading this and need some reassurance then please just know that you are not losing your mind and you CAN get better ? - Speaking about this is hard for me because out of all the joyful symptoms I’ve experienced, it was by far the worst and hardest for me to overcome. I am still not 100% there but by allowing the thoughts to just play on and getting on with my normal life as best I can, it has lessened. Sometimes to the point where I don’t even notice it ? - I hope that I have helped by talking about something that so many people experience yet so few talk about it - We all have to stick together in this because since 1 in 4 of us have mental health issues, that’s fair amount of people that can support each other. You are not alone _____________________________

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